
Thursday, February 2, 2012

HOLY NEEDLES Meets at Casas in NW Tucson!

Holy Needles...
…for YOU, to help others!

Our current Mission…
to prayerfully, generously create blankets, beanies,
and booties for needy children in our community,
and to meet other needs as resources allow.

Let the little children come to me… Matt 19:14

Holy Needles meets the 3rd Monday of each month, 1- 4pm                                                         and the Last Saturday of each month, 9am-Noon
in the Ocotillo bldg @ Casas 10801 N La Cholla Blvd, Tucson AZ 85742

and the Prayer Shawl group meets the third Thursday,  1-3pm, in Cholla room 101

Please come join us, to share your time, your talent, and yourself as we reach out to those who desperately need what we can create and give.

Come with your needles &/or hooks…to crochet, knit, sew, quilt, or with your scissors, to cut or knot a yard of fleece! Bring your talent, bring your knowledge… don’t know how? We’ll teach you! Come relax and create.

Can’t join us? Create items from home and we’ll get them donated for you!

Donations of fleece, flannel, quilt batting, and soft yarn are welcome.

Cash donations are welcome… make your check out to “Casas Church - Holy Needles” with account 1-000-2759 on the memo line (tax deductible 501c3)

Further information is available via email

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